Modeling Our World with Math
"Obvious is the most dangerous word in mathematics" - E.T. Bell
My name is Austin Vegas but most people call me A.J. this year I will be in charge of teaching modeling our world. Hopefully we can work together to make math as understandable and fun as it can be.

Class: | Time: |
Period 1: Financial Mathematics | 9:00 am - 9:30 am |
Period 2: Modeling Our World | 9:33 am - 10:06 am |
Period 3: Modeling Our World | 10:09 am - 10:39 am |
Course Description:
In both "Modeling our world and "Financial Mathematics" we will be using algebra and pre-algebra level skills to analyze everyday life and work. The financial math course will be an online course that uses a curriculum based on a model by Next Gen Personal Finance.
Below you will find the links to the individual google classrooms that we will be using for our class. The classrooms themselves will have a link to a google meet that we will be using to have class and if there is time to ask me questions when students need assistance. The google classroom will also where students will be getting there assignments and turning them in. The google classroom will also be the go to location for updates on upcoming deadlines and agendas.